This week I managed to secure myself a Kilo of rhubarb ~ for a bag of wild garlic from my garden! Our lovely neighbour Alison, co-owns the Lancaster Soup Dragon (purveyors of the finest vegetarian soup) AND she is brilliant at growing vegetables on her allotment, just up the road ~ I love it round here!

This recipe takes a while as there are 3 components:
Rhubarb compote
:but its worth the effort!
Rhubarb compote (stewed rhubarb!)
400g rhubarb FREE!
110g sugar 9p
Gently stew for 1/2 an hour or so, or until thickish.
Sweet short pastry
175g Butter £1.13
1tsp sugar 1p
pinch of salt 1p
1 egg yolk 23p
3 tbsp milk 2p
250g plain flour 15p
Preheat oven ~ gas mark 4 ~ 180c
Mix together the butter and sugar, add the egg yolk, salt & milk.
In my 'French Brasserie Cookbook' it says mix together by hand ~ I did this although I'm not sure what the point of it is ~ maybe it's just for the pleasure of squishing butter between your fingers.
Then slowly add the flour until just combined, making sure not to overwork it. Cover and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
Blind bake for 10 minutes.
Almond Frangipane
110g butter 80p
110g light brown sugar 30p
2 eggs & the egg white left over from the pastry 46p
110g ground almonds £1.10
25g plain flour 2p
1 tsp baking powder 1p
zest of 1 lemon 25p
pinch of salt (which I forgot to add!) 1p
25g flaked toasted almonds ~ to be added 5 minutes before the end of baking. 29p
Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy, beat in the eggs, then fold in the rest of the ingredients to make the frangipane.
Assemble ~ I used 250g of the rhubarb compote and spread it over the pastry base. Then carefully spooned the frangipane over the top, making sure the to cover all the rhubarb evenly.
Bake for 25 minutes, remember to sprinkle the toasted almonds on top after about 20 minutes of baking.
When the tart is cool trim the excess pastry.
Unlike the finest tarts on Master Chef, this one did end up with a soggy base, maybe if you used a loose~base tin you could cool it on a wire rack ~ which may help.
Total £4.88 ~ not cheap but you do end up with a delicious cake that could feed 12!
Or 6 people who like huge slices!
Mmmm looks delicious
ReplyDeleteMMmmm it was! Thanks Dotty. x